My Focus Areas:
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder Method)
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (Chickley Method)
CranioSacral Therapy
Breath work
Irrespective of the technique I use, the work is in essence a gentle approach grounded in listening.
Information About
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
What are the benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage?
Speeds up surgery recovery
Improve blood circulation
Boost the immune system
Boost metabolism
Improve the elasticity of skin
Improve digestion and weight loss
Reduce the appearance of cellulite
Helps with hormonal imbalance
Helps with constipation
Helps with bloating, puffiness and water retention
Healing after surgery
Manual lymph drainage can help with healing after surgery. This technique assists in regeneration of cellular tissues to reduce scarring, reduction of swelling and detoxification of the body. *Do make sure the client has been medically cleared before giving the treatment.
Improved Immune system
The immune system is tied to the lymphatic system. In fact, if the flow of lymphatic materials slows down, the immune system weakens. Lymph drainage can improve the function and increase the production of antibodies that fight off infections as well as reduce systemic inflammation.
Lymph drainage is especially relaxing because the slow, methodical rhythm, pressure and repetitive movements/motion allows the brain to relax and elicit the parasympathetic nervous system to slow the heart rate, increase glandular activity, reduce pain and promote general vitality and wellbeing.
Decongestive Effective
Any swelling of the body, except for cardiac or renal oedema, can be treated with manual lymphatic drainage. The lymphatic system is a ‘one-way street’ to transport cellular waste from tissue and dispose back into the circulatory system.
Reduction in Swelling and Fluid Retention
Lymphatic Drainage Massage is particularly effective at reducing swelling, bloating, and fluid retention in areas such as the legs, abdomen, and face. This can lead to a more sculpted appearance.
Enhanced Detoxification
By promoting the movement of lymphatic fluid, the massage may support the body’s natural detoxification processes. This can help remove waste products and toxins from tissues, potentially improving overall health.
Improved Skin Tone and Texture
Some individuals report improvements in skin tone and texture after lymphatic drainage massages. The stimulation of lymphatic flow may help remove impurities and enhance the skin’s radiance.
Enhanced Circulation
The massage can improve blood and lymphatic circulation, which may help with nutrient delivery to tissues and the removal of metabolic waste products.
Pain Relief
Some individuals with conditions like fibromyalgia or chronic pain report relief after lymphatic drainage massages.
Reduction of Puffiness
Lymphatic drainage techniques on the face can reduce puffiness, particularly around the eyes, giving a refreshed and youthful appearance.
Other Benefits:
Softens and mobilises congestion and sebum
Warms tissue to prepare for product absorption
Clears upper and lower sinus cavities to improve breathing
Calms and relaxes the central nervous system
Relaxes Eye muscle fatigue due to strain, poor vision, bad lighting and glasses
Stimulates the lymphatic system to reduce puffiness and remove toxins
Accelerates cellular metabolism for collagen and elastin synthesis
Clears blocked energy channels
Brings nutrients and oxygen enriched blood cells to the skin